Tenga en cuenta los tiempos de entrega a la hora de adquirir bienes en el día sin IVA

La Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) trabaja incansablemente para generar conciencia sobre los derechos y el cumplimiento de los deberes de los consumidores de bienes y servicios. Por tal motivo, a través de su Programa Ruta del Consumidor, se acerca la institucionalidad de la SIC a lugares apartados del país.

Imagen contiene: fotografía de funcionario de la RNPC explicando la ruta del consumidor a un ciudadano de la tercera edad.

Superindustria formula pliego de cargos por presunto acuerdo de precios en mercado de transporte fluvial en Cesar y Bolívar

•    Los cargos fueron formulados a 2 empresas y 7 personas naturales, quienes presuntamente habrían acordado los precios en el mercado de transporte fluvial de carga entre los municipios de Gamarra (Cesar) y Morales (Bolívar).


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, as National Authority for Personal Data Protection, imposed a sanction of $128.973 USD to the Colombian multinational company ‘RAPPI’, for repeated violations of the personal data protection regime, specifically, for not giving a timely response to multiple requests from users to delete their personal data, or failing to present their prior authorization for using their personal information.


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, as National Authority for Competition Protection, opened an investigation against one company (AVINCO) and three individuals for alleged infractions to the competition protection regime, due to evidence of misconduct in contractual selection processes carried out by the Colombian National Institute of Highways (INVIAS) and the National Tourism Fund (FONTUR).


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, as National Authority for Personal Data Protection, imposed a sanction of $245.000 USD to the telecommunications company CLARO COLOMBIA, for making use of a data portability database (where all cell phone numbers in Colombia are registered), with the goal of making massive marketing campaigns and attract new users.
