The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, as National Authority for Competition Protection, sanctioned SUZUKI MOTOR DE COLOMBIA (SUZUKI) with a fine of COP $ (USD $558.880), after it was demonstrated that, at least, from 2011 to 2019, it limited the plural participation of bidders in public selection processes for the sale of motorcycles and preventive and corrective maintenance with supply of spare parts. 




The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, as National Industrial Property Authority, granted the mixed trademark registration to the group of Country Trademarks, which are currently represented by FIDUCIARIA COLOMBIANA DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR (FIDUCOLDEX), and which acts as the representative of the Patrimonio Autónomo ProColombia (ProColombia Autonomous Patrimony).  

The trademarks that received protection were: 



The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Competition Protection, opened an investigation against BAVARIA in order to establish whether the Company implemented an anticompetitive conduct aimed at blocking the entrance of new competitors or the expansion of competitors that are already part of the Colombian beer market. 


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for the Protection of Users Communications Services, imposed on ETB (EMPRESA DE TELECOMUNICACIONES DE BOGOTÁ), a fine of $245,000,000 COP (USD $61.000), for having breached the users’ rights to lodge petitions, complaints, claims and appeals: 


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Legal Metrology and Technical Regulations, sanctioned LABORATORIO FRANCO COLOMBIANO (LAFRANCOL) with a fine of $1,253,000,000 COP (USD $313.000), after verifying that they illegally exceeded the government set price of some drugs or medicines that are marketed in the country, a breach to the provisions of Circular 04 of 2012 and 04 of 2018 of the National Commission of Medicines Prices and Medical Devices. 

Superindustria formula pliego de cargos a Bavaria por la obstrucción para la entrada y expansión de nuevos competidores en el mercado de cerveza

Bogotá D.C., 27 de abril de 2022. La Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, en su rol de autoridad única de competencia, formuló pliego de cargos en contra de BAVARIA & CIA. S.A.S. (BAVARIA) para determinar si esta implementó una estrategia orientada a obstruir el acceso o expansión de nuevos competidores en el mercado de cerveza. 

Aprende con la SIC protégete como consumidor en el comercio electrónico



La Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (SIC) realizó una jornada presencial sobre los derechos y deberes de los consumidores, en Fundación Magdalena, dirigida exclusivamente a la Comunidad indígena Arhuaca en el Resguardo Indígena Kʉtʉnsama. 


Para: Personas naturales o jurídicas dedicadas al expendio de comidas y/o bebidas para el consumo en los establecimientos de comercio.

De: Superintendente de Industria y Comercio.

Asunto: Conminar el cumplimiento de las normas del régimen de protección al consumidor en materia de información y sistemas de indicación pública de precios.
