Bogotá D.C., 17 de marzo de 2021. La Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio, en su rol de autoridad nacional de protección al consumidor, entregó el balance de las quejas recibidas durante el año 2020 en materia de protección al consumidor, evidenciando que las denuncias aumentaron en el 106%, mientras que las demandas presentadas ante la Delegatura de Asuntos Jurisdiccionales aumentaron en un 24,5%.
The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia, in its role as national competition authority, imposed fines valued at more than 2,000 million pesos to eleven (11) mining companies and nine (9) individuals in the Department of Meta, after demonstrating that two agreements were carried out that violated free economic competition in the market for the production of construction materials extracted from the riverbed.