SIC shares information to consumers regarding requests, complaints or claims on air transportation

The National Development Plan 2018-2022 "Pact for Colombia, Pact for equity", stablishes that the SUPERINTENDENCE OF TRANSPORTATION is the competent authority to ensure the protection of users of air transport services, as well as to carry out investigations and impose sanctions or administrative measures that may arise from violations of aeronautical regulations.
Likewise, it is important to signal that, since January 27, 2021, AVIANCA, unilaterally abandoned the SIC FACILITA platform, an assistance tool which allows consumers to manage an alternative solution of conflicts that arise in the framework of the consumption relations.
Additionally, it should be noted that in accordance with the regulations, AVIANCA is compelled to have mechanisms so that its users can present their requests, complaints or claims. Accordingly, in the case that the user is not satisfied with the response given to their request, they must address their claim to the SUPERINTENDENCE OF TRANSPORTATION.
The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), since it is not the competent authority in matters of air transport users, will informally send to the SUPERINTENDENCE OF TRANSPORTATION the petitions, complaints or claims received.