Sic sanctions cartel in the public auctions market of Colombia

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Consumer Protection, ordered 27 restaurants in the city of Bogotá to comply with the regulations related to the display of prices information to consumers, in accordance with the legal provisions of Law 1480 of 2011.
The order was issued after the SIC carried out thirty (30) administrative inspection and surveillance visits in food and/or beverage sales establishments located in different gastronomic areas of Bogotá.
Among others, some of the restaurants that were visited are the following: Wok, Brera, El Cielo, Criterión, Leo, La Jugueteria Macarena, Restaurante Gato Negro, KO, Chalet Suizo, 14 Inkas, Semolina, El Mediterraneo Por Andrei, Osaki and la Biferia.
After SIC’s investigation of the twenty-seven (27) restaurants, in general, the following findings were recorded:
- In fourteen (14) restaurants, consumers were not informed of all the products that are marketed, through any of the public price information systems.
- In ten (10) establishments, the prices of the products were not reported through any of the public price indication systems, but by QR code.
- In eight (8) of the restaurants visited, the sales price to the public was not reported correctly, by no placing the price in Colombian pesos, as provided by the consumer protection regulations.
- In one (1) of the establishments visited, there were differences in the prices announced between the menu and the QR virtual menu.
The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce will continue to make visits to commercial establishments selling food and/or alcoholic beverages in the country to verify that they are complying with the obligation of public pricing information.