Sic Puts The Spotlight On The Application "Chat-Gpt" To Determine If It Complies With The Regulation Of Personal Data Protection

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as national authority for the Protection of Personal Data, launched an investigation in order to establish whether the application "ChatGPT", owned by the company OPENAI, complies with Colombian regulations regarding the protection of personal data, which is established in the Statutory Law 1581 of 2012.
According to the SIC, such action seeks to determine whether measures related to the Principle of Accountability have been implemented in accordance with the national regulation, which is aimed at protecting personal information of the users of such companies.
This action is part of the coordinated efforts of the Ibero-American Data Protection Network, of which the SIC and 15 other authorities from different countries in the region are members, whose objective is to promote and guarantee the fundamental right to the protection of personal data.
Therefore, the authorities that constitute this network have the purpose of supervising the aforementioned application, within the framework of their competencies and coordinating actions for the first time in its history.
The SIC recommended users of the service "Chat GPT" to consult the privacy policy associated with this service, to assess the convenience of providing personal data and consultations they perform, as well as to carefully consider the information that the service provides them.