Registration Opened for the XII National Colombian Inventor Award

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), with the support of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), presents the “XII Colombian National Inventor Award 2022”, as a great scenario to encourage the creativity of inventors who make an important contribution to the technological and economic development of the country.
In addition, this award seeks to continue stimulating the investigative and creative spirit of Colombians, as well as to disseminate the advantages of the protection conferred by Industrial Property, recognizing the creativity and innovation of different population groups, such as children, adolescents, young people, researchers and Colombian entrepreneurs.
Projects may be submitted from March 10 to August 31, 2022, in the following four categories:
- Juvenile: Between 6 and 20 years of age; and schools, whose inventors are in the aforementioned age range.
- Individual Researcher: Individuals over 20 years of age.
- Research: Higher education and technological institutions, technological development and innovation centers, and research centers may apply.
- Industry: Category aimed at companies in Colombia.
In its last edition, this award had the participation of 131 initiatives of inventors, highlighting the applications from the Andean, Caribbean and Pacific regions.
For all the information, registration form and participation requirements, you can access the following link