The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Consumer Protection, opened an investigation against PEPSICO ALIMENTOS COLOMBIA, for allegedly not providing truthful information to consumers regarding the content of the product "Mixture of salted peanuts, almonds and cashews".
The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Protection of Users of Communication Services, has imposed a fine to COLOMBIA TELECOMUNICACIONES (MOVISTAR) for COP $868,000,000 (about USD $180,000) for misleading advertising regarding a promotion that stated users could activate their accounts or services for NETFLIX and AMAZON PRIME for free when purchasing specific data plans.
The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Consumer Protection, has ordered INVERSIONES INT COLOMBIA to pay a penalty of COP $160,000,000., (USD $30,000).
Las multas a Merek S.A.S. y Pamiruti S.A.S., propietarias de la empresa de muebles Brunati, ascienden a los $700.000.000 y $550.000.000 respectivamente.
El incumplimiento de la garantía legal, el no brindar información clara, veraz, oportuna de los bienes y servicios ofrecidos e incumplir con el régimen de promociones y ofertas son algunos de los factores que motivaron la sanción.