SIC sanctions eight (8) mobile phone operators for violating the number portability regulation

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Consumer Protection, has sanctioned the mobile phone service providers: CLARO, MOVISTAR, TIGO, ETB, VIRGIN MOBILE, MÓVIL ÉXITO, WOM and AVANTEL for infringements to the mobile number portability legislation. Also, they will be required to pay fines up to $6,495,000,000 COP (USD $1.674.339).
In 2021, as a result of several complaints filed by users and operators, the SIC opened relevant investigations which proved the unlawfulness actions of eight (8) mobile phone operators. In particular, they were found responsible of:
- Failure to comply with the legal steps to make the number portability procedure effective.
- Reject number portability requests, without complying with the rightful established requirements.
- Failure to meet the deadlines and further steps planned to carry out activities related to the number portability procedure.
- Not providing the information required by the authority in an accurate and comprehensive manner.
In addition to the economic sanctions, each of the operators was required to abstain from carrying out any type of illegal conduct that limits users right to freely choose a provider at their convenience, while keeping their phone number, as well as guaranteeing continuity of the service.