SIC opened investigation against Bavaria for anticompetitive conducts in the beer market

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Competition Protection, opened an investigation against BAVARIA in order to establish whether the Company implemented an anticompetitive conduct aimed at blocking the entrance of new competitors or the expansion of competitors that are already part of the Colombian beer market.
The conduct consisted in a significant increase of exclusivity deals signed with retailers in the Relevant Market, allegedly aimed to exclude and prevent competition. Likewise, BAVARIA´s conduct apparently affected final consumers, limiting them the opportunity to obtain more products at better prices.
After a complaint filed by CENTRAL CERVERA DE COLOMBIA, the Colombian Competition Authority obtained evidence regarding a significant increase in BAVARIA’s exclusivity deals as a reaction of CENTRAL CERVERA DE COLOMBIA production facilities opening. These elements also suggested that BAVARIA, as a dominant competitor, intended to close the market, blocking the entrance and growth of its main competitor.
In that sense, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce will carry out an administrative procedure in order de determine if BAVARIA has abused of its dominant position in the Relevant Market.