SIC held meetings with key representatives of the creative industries of Colombia

December, 2021. The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), in its role as National Authority for Industrial Property, has accompanied more than 490 artists and creators in the registration process of their trademarks, throughout the strategy “Creative Experiences with the SIC”.
As part of this initiative, the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Andrés Barreto, met with several representatives of the cultural and creative industries in Colombia to have a conversation about the importance of industrial property in this sector.
The purpose of the meeting was to bring together agents, creators and artists from the cultural and creative industry, so that they could interact with the guests from the three sectors with which the Superintendence worked during this last year, which are: fashion and design, music, and visual arts.
Representing the music sector was the director of the Magdalena Fest, Carolina Rojas; as well as designer Laura Aparicio from the fashion sector. Likewise, the artist, Yurikam, was present representing the visual arts sector, who together with the other participants and the Superintendent analyzed the issue of management and consolidation of the brand as an intangible asset of high value for artists.