The Sic urges mobile operators to comply with the fair competition rules, the protection of telecommunications users and personal data rights

The Acting Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, María del Socorro Pimienta, held a meeting with the presidents and senior managers of the country’s mobile companies, in order to insist on compliance with the free competition rules, the protection of telecommunications users and the rules on privacy and the proper management of personal data.
At the meeting, it was requested that managers and representatives of companies should observe the highest standards and best business practices that seek to promote consumer welfare, protection of personal data and guarantee fair competition in the telecommunications market.
During the meeting, the SIC highlighted the importance of working from a preventive approach and, in the case of consumer rights infringements, it is important to take into account the platform "SIC Facilita", a tool that facilitates the resolution of disputes between businesses and consumers in considerably less time and without the need to reach the legal action process
Lastly, the SIC highlighted that they will continue the enforcement of the current regulations of mobile companies in the development of their business activity and stressed that they will continue the protection of the operators in the exercise of their functions, with the highest standards of transparency..