SIC sanctions three companies for personal data violation

The SIC sanctioned the BANCO DE BOGOTÁ, ALMACENES ÉXITO S.A. and ÉXITO INDUSTRIAS S.A.S. for the violation of personal data of certain citizens in the Colombian territory. The imposed fines amount to COP $569,890,035

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), in its role as national authority for personal data protection, sanctioned the BANCO DE BOGOTÁ, ALMACENES ÉXITO S.A. and ÉXITO INDUSTRIAS S.A.S. because of the violation of personal data of certain citizens in the Colombian territory. The imposed fines amount to COP $569,890,035 

In the first case, a fine of COP$351,120,627 was imposed upon the Banco de Bogotá after verifying an improper use of a citizen's personal data. The case arose after it was verified that the bank made "a series of threatening and intimidating charges" through phone calls and text messages to a person who claimed to have no relationship with the bank. 

On the other hand, ALMACENES ÉXITO S.A. and ÉXITO INDUSTRIAS S.A.S. were fined with COP$145,846,272 and COP$72,923,136 respectively. The complainant reported that despite having requested on several occasions the elimination of their distribution lists, she continued to receive advertising information. In addition, ÉXITO INDUSTRIAS S.A.S., who was in charge of data processing, failed to duly respond to the request to remove the complainant's data from the mass emailing list for marketing purposes. 


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