SIC sanctioned the companies behind the Aquarela project for compromising the health and integrity of consumers

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, as national consumer protection authority, through Resolution 23273, sanctioned PROMOTORA CALLE 47, with a fine of 1.508.000.000, (USD $400.00O). Also, PLANO CONSTRUCTIVO will have to pay a fine of $696,000,000 (USD $155.000).
The decision was adopted after an administrative procedure, where it was possible to demonstrate that the sanctioned companies failed to provide quality, safe and appropriate products to consumers, since it was demonstrated that TOWER 1 of the AQUARELA PROJECT infringed the requirements established in the Seismic Resistance 10 Rule, regarding the standards of flexibility and overstress, resistance, seismic spectrum of design, groundwork, structural walls, and fire resistance, which generate unreasonable risks to the health or integrity of consumers.
On the other hand, it was proved that PROMOTORA CALLE 47 did not provide truthful information regarding the problems in relation to the actual status of the construction and the demolition announcements, as well as for not providing clear information, which generated or could have generated a lack of essential information for consumers regarding the actual status of the project.