SIC opens investigation for price fixing in the river transportation market

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, in its role as the National Authority for Competition Protection, opened an investigation against the companies: SOCIEDAD DE AGRICULTORES Y GANADEROS DE BOLIVAR Y CESAR and SERVICIO FLUVIAL DE BOLIVAR Y CESAR, and seven individuals, for allegedly having entered into and executed a price fixing agreement to equalize the rates in the provision of the river transportation service, in the vehicle transshipment modality, between the municipalities of Gamarra, Bolívar and Morales, Cesar.
The companies would have allegedly equalize the rates in 15 of the services they offered to consumers. The anticompetitive agreement would have been signed in 2018 and its execution would have materialized between the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019, at which time both companies would have raised a large part of the rates offered to consumers for the acquisition of their services.