The SIC announces investigations to marketers of E-cigarettes for alleged violation of consumer protection law

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as national consumer protection authority, opened an investigation against BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO COLOMBIA, INVERSIONES GLU CLOUD, GRUPO DIY and LIFETECH. The SIC alleges that the defendants illegally marketed “e-cigarettes” and “e-liquid” products, that contain nicotine and other substances that harm consumers’ health.
The investigation was triggered after several complaints from consumers regarding alleged infringements against children and adolescents’ rights in electronic commerce, specially related to misleading information regarding the liquids that are used in e-cigarettes, as well as a lack of relevant health information.
The preliminary results of the SIC investigation revealed the use of advertising without age verification procedures, as well as the failure of the marketers to provide consumers with clear, timely, and accurate information regarding the nicotine content of the products, as well as information regarding the dangers of the devices and instructions for proper use.